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Linearity test of your ultrasonic device

We inspect and calibrate your ultrasonic testing devices and equipment according to various standards and test specifications.
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Linearity test

VOGT Ultrasonics offers its customers the examination and calibration of ultrasonic instruments and systems according to various standards and inspection requirements. Our high qualified test personnel performs the examination with constantly calibrated measuring instruments. All measurements are being documented and summarized in a test report.

Besides preventive maintenances VOGT offers characterizations and linearization as well as customized special system examinations e.g. the mechanical calibration of ultrasonic scanmechanics. Our portfolio includes amongst others:

Characterization of your ultrasonic instrument according to DIN EN 12668-1 Group 2
Examination, that is prescribed by DIN EN 12668-1 group 2, subsection “periodic inspections and after repair”. Complete characterization of the ultrasonic inspection instrument inclusive linearity test. Among other the horizontal and vertical linearization, the amplifier linearity, stability measurement, the verification of the transmitting pulse properties, measurement of the behavior between transmitter and receiver, dynamic and frequency behavior are included. This characterization is e.g. required by SNECMA (DMC 020).

Linearity test of your ultrasonic instruments according to DIN EN 12668-1
Linearity test, based on DIN EN 12668-1. Proofing the correspondence of your ultrasonic inspection instrument to the linearity requirements without an elaborate characterization, which is sufficient in many cases. The verification of the amplifier linearity as well as horizontal and vertical linearity are included.

Extended linearity test of your ultrasonic instrument according to DIN EN 12668-1 (inclusive RRP 58001 (Rolls Royce), SIM 1 (Pratt&Witney))
Consideration of the linearity requirements of RRP 58001 (Rolls Royce) and SIM 1 appendix B (Pratt&Witney) additional to the linearity requirements of DIN EN 12668-1. Verification of the precision of the amplifier linearity of +/-1 dB.

All examinations according to DIN EN 12668-1 can be run without a probe and an inspection calibration block. 

Examination of your inspection instrument (incl. probe and cable) according to DIN EN 12663-3
Verification of the properties of complete inspection equipment (i.e. inspection instrument and probe). Among others this examination includes the linearity test of the time axis and the amplification as well as the verification of the probe and the overall condition.

Linearity test according to MTV 1033 Part 1 (MTU)
Linearity test of the complete ultrasonic inspection equipment consisting of ultrasonic instrument and probe. Examination of the area-related linearity according to table 4 as well as the amplifier linearity according to table 5. Covers the linearity requirements of SND 004 Table 3 (ITP).

Linearity test according to SND-004 (ITP)
Linearity test according to SND-004 includes the inspection of the amplifier linearity in accordance to table 2 and 3.

Linearity test according to AMS STD-2154 
Linearity test according to AMS STD-2154 in compliance with method 1 and/or method 2. Linearity test according to ASTM E 317Linearity test, but with tolerances that are no longer contemporary. VOGT runs the test according to the requirements of the examination order, but also with closer tolerances specifically to the customer’s specifications. The inspection of the amplifier linearity and the horizontal and vertical linearity (method A and B) are included.

Linearity test according to customer specifications
Additional customer or specification defined system examination (e.g. LC573 (Tubromeca)) are handled as special tests.

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