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Inspection of water-sensitive components
using ultrasonic bubbler technique

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PROline inspection system for automated ultrasonic weld inspection of differentials

To prevent any damage many components are not allowed to come in contact with water during production. For us no problem: the PROline inspection systems developed by VOGT can work completely immersion-free by using bubbler technique. This not only assures that the components are freefrom defects, but also simultaneously minimizes the necessary time for the inspection process by cancellation of the drying of the components. With our production accompanying PROline inspection systems we ensure that the necessary quality assurance of your components is performed safely, trueto-cycle and conform to standards.

This flexible inspection system can automatically check any number of types of differentials with individual inspection requirements. The retooling is performed fast and easy by using component-specific adapters for minimal batch sizes within the meaning of Industry 4.0.

By adaption of the design,the system can be integrated into the production chain and be fully automated by robot control.

Two inspection places  each with an individual inspectionprobe positioning provide a maximum variability. Hereby the inspection is performed within less than 30 seconds, incl. set-up time, inspection, evaluation and automatic color marking of components with defects.The recording of the component identification is performed via DataMatrix-Code (DMC), by which the traceability of the inspection result of each component is secured. The operator-friendly PROline inspection- and evaluation software provides a clear inspection report according to individual requirements. The communication of the inspection results with the higher-level customer´s system is performed via ProfiNET interface

Fig.1: PROline inspection system with bubbler technique
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